XVIII Miedzynarodowa Wystawa Psów Rasowych w Katowicach 15-17.03.2013

Na wystawę do Katowic pojechaliśmy z Varną i Morganą. Morgana była wystawiana w klasie młodzieży gdzie otrzymała ocenę doskonałą, tytuł Zwycięzcy Młodzieży i Najlepszy Junior w Rasie. Varna w klasie otwartej również dostała ocenę doskonałą, tytuł Zwycięzcy, Zwycięzcy Rasy, CWC i CACIB. Na zdjęciu Morgana na ringu honorowym, gdzie niestety juz nic nie wygrała:)

VI Międzynarodowa Wystawa Psów Rasowych w Rzeszowie 02-03.02.2013

W niedzielę byliśmy na wystawie w Rzeszowie. W tym roku pojechaliśmy z Vana i Morganą, dla której był to debiut na wystawie halowej. Morgana uzyskała oceną doskonała, tytuł Zwycięzcy Młodzieży, Najlepszy Junior w Rasie i Zwycięzca Rasy czy rozpoczęła Młodzieżowy Championat. Varna również uzyskała ocenę doskonałą, CWC, i CACIB. Obie zachowywały się bardzo dobrze i pięknie się prezentowały. Niestety nie mamy żadnych zdjęć.

Tullamore cup 2012

W tym roku pojechaliśmy na Tullamore cup do Czeskiego Trutnova z Varną i Morganą. Zgłoszonych było 88 wilczarzy!:)Wystawę sędziowała niezwykle ceniona i doświadczona hodowczyni z Anglii, Pani Pamela Sumner (hodowla Ballyphelan). Bardzo byłam ciekawa co Pani sędzina powie o moich pannach. Varna w swojej klasie (suki pozostające w rękach hodowców) zdobyła pierwsze miejsce i byłam z niej Bardzo, bardzo dumna. pokazała się pięknie! Opis Varny: 

“Very attractive bitch. Pretty head with lovely pigmentation. Excellent ears. Good mouth. Nice slope to upper arm and good lay back of shoulder. Good underline. Reasonable topline. Very nice curve to hindquarters with well let down hocks. Feet are a little flat. Moved really well.”

Dla Morgany był to debiut wystawowy, pierwszy raz była na takiej imprezie, pierwszy raz widziała tyle psów i ludzi. Zachowywała się doskonale i pięknie się pokazała. Podobała się Pani sędzinie i w swojej klasie szczeniąt zajęła drugie miejsce. Opis Morgany: 

“Very elegant red wheaten puppy. Lovely head and neck. Reasonable upper arm. Good shoulder. Nice underline. Topline is a little flat at the moment. Good croup with well set on tail. Front feet are turned out a little when standing at the moment. Moved extremely well. A very nice puppy.”

Jak zwykle na Tullamorce była wspaniała atmosfera. Bardzo ciesze się z sukcesów Varny i Morgany:)

Dziękuje Ani i Jarkowi za miłe towarzystwo oraz przede wszystkim Edicie Beresowej za zorganizowanie tej bardzo pouczającej i przesympatycznej imprezy.

Kalendarz ciąży

Dzięki specjalnemu kalendarzowi, który zamieszczono w dziale hodowla na stronie http://www.rr.sk/ każdy może sprawdzić jak będzie przebiegać ciąża jego suki. My zapraszamy do zapoznania się z przebiegiem ciąży Proxy! Opisy są po czesku, ale myślę że warto zaglądnąć:) Wystarczy, że klikniecie w baner poniżej:

Announcement of the Irish Wolfhound litter

In the first half of February we are expecting to have a litter of Irish Wolfhounds. For the second time the parents will be Proxima Wichrowe Zauroczenie (Wuthering Infatuation) and Couperin Knallasen’s (Connor). We have decided to repeat this union considering Dr Janis’ health forecasts, low coefficient COI and perfect exterior of the puppies of this couple from the previous litter (litter V). Not without significance is a perfect character of both the parents and their breed.

Proxima Wichrowe Zauroczenie:

  Knallasen`s Couperin:

Here go the puppies from the previous litter of this couple:

Varna Szare Stado, 9 months old:

   Volver Szare Stado, 9 months old:

   Vesta Szare Stado, 11 months old:

We invite everybody willing to talk about Irish Wolfhounds, meet our dogs and learn more about this breed and its requirements to contact us via e-mail, call us or visit our place in Łąkta.



Tullamore cup

For this year’s Tullamore cup have been inscribed 73 Irish Wolfhounds. The judge was Ms. Pernilla Monberg from Denmark, breeding Wolfhouse. The whole event consisted of two main contests. One of them was a show of dogs divided into classes, which was similar to a regular dog show. Each dog was very precisely looked up and down by the judge, estimated and described. The following day there was a coursing. Finally the results of the two competitions were summed up and the winner of the whole Tullamore cup contests was announced.

In Tullamore cup apart from Varna from Poland participated the following Irish Wolfhounds:

Vika Szare Stado i Volver van Dogh Szare Stado(Varna’s sister and brother), Knallasen`s Couperin ( Connor) – our puppies’ father and Sagittarius Immelmann (Gines).

The first one from our Polish team, in a junior class, was presented Volver and was placed first. Here, along with his owner, they are collecting their prizes. Volver’s description:

” lovely type, and substance for his age, as far as I could see good bite, correct ear most of the time, shoulder placement good but slightly strait at the moment, it will settle, good depth of chest, long in loin, well angulated rear, needs some ring training”

Then, in the champion class appeared Connor and won beating two so far winners of Tullamore cup. His description: “large, impressive male, well together for his size, masculine head, a bit broad in scull, correct bite, bit lazy ears, long strong neck, excellent front and fore chest, well boned limbs, good depth of chest, strong topline, just a bit long in loin, good underline, sufficiently angulated rear, movement correct “.

The picture shows Connor at the winner place

Gines, in the veteran’s class, received a perfect description and the judge was impressed by his perfect condition considering his age:

“well preserved seven year old male, who shows very few sighs of aging, lovely head and expression, kind eye, generous ears, correct bite, long strong neck, correct shoulder assembly, plenty of forechest, upper arm could slightly longer, a bit straight in pasterns, feet could be better, strong topline, correct length of loin, angulated rear, moves well with plenty of energy ”

Finally the time for the bitches arrived. Varna and Vika were shown in the puppies’ class. Both sisters gave a very good performance. Varna won and definitely was appreciated by the judge. The picture presents Varna and Vika during the evaluation. Varna’s description:

“beautiful young bitch, in excellent condition, lovely feminine head, dark eyes, excellent bite, lovely clean teeth, good length of neck, well placed shoulder, straight and short upper arm, good bone, good tight feet, strong topline, excellent rear, true mover but a slightly close behind, well presented”

And Vika’s descrition:  “appealing youngster, with a sweet expression, dark eye, correct mouth, neat ears, medium length neck, well placed shoulder, straight up arm, straight pasterns, good depth of chest for the age, long in loin, sufficient rear angulation, shown in lean but good conditions, very well muscled, moves well”

A beautiful male dog Alf Avijan was awarded BIS and our Varna Szare Stado was placed second – res. BIS. Then additional competitions took place. Varna was considered to be the most elegant fawn dog of the whole exhibition and won the comparison for the best built rear part of the body. Connor won the competition for the best breeding dog with his breed. He was presented along with his puppies – Volver, Varna and Vika. There was also his another puppy – older than our ones and coming from a different litter – Express Yourself Really Irish. The picture presents BIS Alf and res.BIS Varna with the judge Ms. Pernilla Monberg. The following day there was a coursing. Varna made a pair with Vika and they ran very well, especially Vika which had never run after the bait before. Also Volver, who ran alone, gave a very good performance. At the end of the day, after having summed up all results the winner of the whole Tullamore cup was announced. The winner of the Tullamore Cup 2011 was the above-mentioned Express Yourself Really Irish and our Varna was awarded the second prize! I will remember this competition for a long time. I was very proud of Varna, Vika, Volver and Connor who showed how valuable and perfect breeding dog he was. Our Polish team presented itself really well and we were truly satisfied that our dogs were appreciated by such an experienced breeder. I hope to meet her during the coming Tullamore cup next year. I would like to take part in this competition once again very much as it is a wonderful event organized perfectly well by Ms. Edita Bersova!


Muskat’s pedigree:

Kumir Lyutiy

Ruska, Běloruska, Polska, Litvy,
3x Vítěz výstavy, 3x BOB, 3x BIG, CACIB, res. CACIB






Gabriel Berendey

Antipa Al
A Basja Kenal

Interchampion, Champion Ukrajiny, Moldávie


Champion UA, 2x CACIB, res.


iz Jemjuga
Alot s Olimpii
Fatima Aster Gekulay
Grand Champion Ukrajiny,
Champion Ukrajiny, Ruska, Moldávie,

Evropský Champion,
12x CACIB, 8x BOB

Snegka Lyutiy

res. CACIB

Roksi Oks

Zurab Nik Talush
Gjurza Maikl Nikols
Irma-1-Bich Lis

Champion UA,


Amur-Han Omchar
Delina-Sand Bob



Miot V pojawił się na świecie 24 grudnia 2010 roku, a szczeniaki z tego miotu zaczęły opuszczać Szare Stado już po dwóch miesiącach, czyli od 25 lutego. Jednym z nich była bohater tego odcinka – Vasco!

Vasco dla równowagi między byłą i obecną stolicą, wybrał dom pana Artura w Krakowie.

Poniżej możecie zobaczyć zdjęcia z galerii “dalsze losy miotu V”, a wśród nich między innymi zdjęcia Vasco:

galeria dalsze losy miotu V

powrót do strony miotu V